Thursday, July 10, 2008

Day 7 Rest in Kennewick

Today is our day of rest from biking and the day to day work of packing up and unpacking camp. With difficulties going online over the last couple of days I was determined to check email and post pictures. So, I woke up early and went to Starbucks with Rick where we sat for a couple hours where we could do our online work. It felt good to connect with people through email and share my pictures online. I hope you enjoy. 

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I could have stayed longer but we had to get back for the 10:30 Sunday Celebration rally at the park. Local churches organized the service were we praised God, sang, and had a chance to connect with the area churches. Afterwards was a great time to talk to the people from the area and learn more about what they are doing here. We did this as we ate sandwiches and feasted from the potluck. Many Burmese refugee attend the area church so we were delighted by some international cuisine.

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2008-07-05 Rest Day in Kennewick 002 (12)


2008-07-05 Rest Day in Kennewick 002 (13)

Afterwards, local churchgoers provided tubing, water skiing, wake boarding, trips to the mall and rides to some peoples houses who had pools. I chose the pool. It was a great chance to cool off, play around and relax. They even had a zip line we highly utilized.

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Here I sit again at the river, chronicling my experiences while enjoying assorted fireworks on the horizon and a peace for river. 

I am recharged for another week and excited to see what lies ahead. I have however had been having increased tingly fingers on my left hand, so I am going to make sure that I'm careful to not cut off the blood flow to that hand while riding.

Please leave comments on my site to let me know you are reading. I loved to hear your ideas about my experiences and knowing if you're enjoying the pictures.